District Announcements

District Announcements

Announcements pertinent to the District are posted here. Submit additional announcements with complete contact information to admin@metropolitanbaptistdistrict.org for review and posting. All announcements are subject to an approval process.
Young People's Director, Sis. Theresa Hall, invites the District Young People to a virtual third Sunday Inspirational Meeting. Pre-registration is required for access to the Zoom meeting. Complete the form at https://forms.gle/jTgRQmi67ruPRBHb8
The Annual Session of the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association will be November 17-19, 2020 (6:00-8:00pm) via Zoom. Details and Access instructions to follow. Tues-Wednesday there will be breakout sessions for Laymen Auxiliary, Women's Auxiliary, Minister's Wives and Widows Auxiliary, Congress Auxiliary, and Youth Department. Tuesday will feature addresses from the Minister's Wives and Widows and Women's Auxiliary Presidents. Wednesday will feature address from the Youth Department Director and Laymen Auxiliary President. Thursday will feature updates from Carver Camp and the Moderator's address. Plan now to be in attendance all three nights! More information to come.
Click "Read More" to view the full letter or download the .pdf copy.
Dear MEDCCE Family of Saints:

Greetings to all of you. May the grace, peace, and blessings of God be upon you this day and every day is our prayer for you in Jesus' name. Please do not mistake our silence during this season of challenges that we have forgotten our ministry to you and the commandment of Jesus to teach and baptize in his name. We have come together in prayer, conversation, and planning to determine our next steps given our uncertain conditions before we decided to share these thoughts with you.
Due to the executive order from our Governor, the Spring Inspirational Meeting has been postponed. Moderator Johnson and the Executive Team is praying for you and your families. Stay safe. Stay faithful.
On Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 11:30am the Wolverine State Laymen present a "Laymen and Laywoman Workshop" to be held by the Friendship Baptist Church in Pontiac, MI. Proceeds will be used to send Junior Laymen to the National Baptist Congress.

Topics will include the Role of the Biblical Man in the Church; Role of the Biblical Woman in Today's Church; Church Leadership; and What is True Devotion?

Registration Deadline is March 21, 2020. Please respond as soon as possible so proper planning can be made for Class size and Lunch. Registration can be done by fax, 248-335-2999, email, mwash57@comcast.net, or phone 248-670-6212. Registration fee is $15.00.

Contact President Evans Holman or Bro. Michael Washington for more information.
January 20, 2020 - 3:30pm - AMC Star Theater Southfield - JUST MERCY MOVIE
The Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association under the leadership of Pastor Nathan Johnson, Moderator, supports and encourages District Churches and Members to support the Ebony Foundation's Bail Project. You may do so by purchasing your ticket at the AMC Star Southfield on January 20, 2020 for the 3:30pm showing of Just Mercy.
Join the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association in celebrating their Fall Inspirational Meeting on November 21, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Palestine Missionary Baptist Church. Pastors are encouraged to wear their white robes for the observance of the Lord's Supper.
The Centennial Celebration Banquet will be held at the Burton Manor Events Center on Friday, July 19, 2019 at 6:00 pm. See Vice Moderator, Pastor Richard Richardson of New Westside Central or Women's Auxiliary President, Sis. Madlyne Dansby for tickets.
It's time for our Centennial Celebration! For 100 years God has guided the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association! Come the week of July 15-19, 2019 for a very special Annual Session at the Pleasant Grove MBC. Read more for full schedule at a glance.
The Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association joins with Pastor Yvette Griffin, the entire Griffin family, and the Pilgrim Baptist Church as they celebrate the life of Pastor Sidney C. Griffin Sr.