Women's Auxiliary

Dr. Georgia Tolbert, President



The Metropolitan District Women's Auxiliary is primarily responsible for organized women's work through the churches.
Women's Auxiliary Theme: Impacting Lives through Mission, Education, and Evangelism.
Scriptures: Psalm 119:33-34; 2 Timothy 2:15; 2 Timothy 4:4
Theme Song: "We've Come This Far by Faith"

2024-2025 Officers

Dr. Geogia Tolbert (Palestine), President

Sister Katherine Brewer (Pleasant Grove), 1st Vice President

Sister Elizabeth Jones (Dexter Ave), 2nd Vice President

Sister Diana Rogers (Truth), 3rd Vice President

Sister Cheyenne Nickelberry (Tabernacle), 4th Vice President

Sister Theresa Hall (Pleasant Grove), Young People's Director

Minister Letta Pearson (Corithian), Recording Secretary

TBD, Assistant Recording Secretary

Sister Shirley Tolliver (Tabernacle), Corresponding Secretary

Sister Cynthia A. Baker (Northwest Unity), Assistant Corresponding Secretary

TBD, Director of Finance

Sister Isephine Cummings (Unity), Financial Secretary

Sister Dorothy Smith (Greater Shiloh), Treasurer

Sister Theresa Youngblood (Tabernacle), Organist

Sister Brooxie Frentress (Dexter Ave), Pianist

Sister Sheila Clifton (Northwest Unity), Administrative Assistant

Dr. Martha Jones (Pleasant Grove), Administrative Assistant

Dr. Marsha Mebane (Tabernacle), Christian Education Director

Sister Deborah Daniels (Hopewell), Christian Education Director

Reverened Evelyn Preston (Pleasant Grove), Teacher

Deacon Joyce Hutcherson (Palestine), Assistant Teacher


Updated 2025


2024-2025 Officers - Young People's Department

Sister Theresa Hall (Pleasant Grove), President

Deacon Travis Thomas (Chapel Hill), Vice President

Sister Madlyne Dansby (Macedonia), Treasurer

Sister Christoline Bowles (Corinthian), Assistant Treasurer

Sister JoAnn McGee (Church of Our Father), Recording Secretary

Sister Debra Singleton (Chapel Hill), Financial Secretary

Sister Taylor Johnson (Partakers), Assistant Financial Secretary

Rev. Mario Marcus (New Salem), Music Director

Updated 2025 

Welcome to the Metropolitan Missionary District Women's Auxiliaries, we are happy you have chosen to fellowship, worship, work and serve as one with this body of believers in Christ.

The Women's Council was organized March 21, 1921 with the objections to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ and advance missionary work, Christian education, and to help encourage in the enlistment of young people in the Christian work locally and in the foreign countries.

In 2009 prison ministry was added.


The Missionary department annual fee is: $150.00 per year, September - July.

You may pay this all at one time or pay some each month until you pay the full amount.

There are five departments that serve under the Women's Auxiliary. They are:
  1. The Young People
  2. The Deaconess
  3. The Nurses
  4. Christian Women United
  5. Business and Professional Women
AGAIN WELCOME! We are glad to have you. We also welcome anything you can do to help this District to be better.