District Announcements
District Announcements
Announcements pertinent to the District are posted here. Submit additional announcements with complete contact information to admin@metropolitanbaptistdistrict.org for review and posting. All announcements are subject to an approval process.
Join us November 18, 2021 at 7pm for the Fall Inspirational Meeting and Installation of Officers for the 2021-2022 year.
Pastors are encouraged to join Moderator Nathan Johnson during the 102nd District Annual Session in a special Pastor's Roundtable.
Join Moderator Nathan Johnson and the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association as we celebrate our 102nd Annual Session celebrating what the Lord is doing through our churches. July 6-8, 2021 at 6pm nightly the MMBDA will convene via zoom.
Visit the Congress of Christian Education page for class listing and registration.
Visit the Minister's Wives & Widows page for details and registration info.
President Annette Lee and the Minister Wives and Widows Alliance would like to invite you TONIGHT at 6:30pm to join them in honoring Sis. Annette Peace, Past President of the Metropolitan Baptist District's Minister Wives and Widows Alliance. All are welcome.
Thank you for submitting your registrations through the Givelify platform. To facilitate credit to the correct registration, please use the "MEMO" feature to identify the CHURCH NAME, PASTOR, and WHAT THE FUNDS ARE FOR. This will help us serve you. Again, thank you!
Pastor Richard R. White III,
Pastor Richard R. White III,
The 2020 Annual Session and Fall Inspirational Meeting begin November 17, 2020. Thank you to all who pre-registered so that we could prepare for you. You have been sent an individual link via email. If you did not sign up you may still join by using the Zoom Meeting ID: 869 2456 2636 Password: 343233. You may also call in: (929) 205-6099. Let's celebrate what God is yet doing through the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District!
Find the Metropolitan District on Givelify. Using Givelify is the preferred and most direct way to submit your financial registration and donations.
The 101st Annual Session of the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association will happen virtually via Zoom Conference November 17-19, 2020. In order to participate in the Auxiliary Break Out Sessions (on Tuesday & Wednesday). Everyone should register for access to the Zoom Conference.