District Announcements

District Announcements

District Annual Session Musical ALL CHURCH CALL

Calling all Churches of the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association: Bro. Barry Alexander, District Music Director is seeking your choirs to participate in the
Annual Session Musical. Click here for details



Pastors, Directors and Choir Members of the Metropolitan District Association,


We are preparing to undertake the very aggressive task of contacting all Pastors and choir members that are part of the Metropolitan District Association, to participate in kicking off our District Sessions in July, with a Musical. Our Musical will be accomplished by not only having church members attend, but we are asking your Choir to render an A & B selection that evening. If it is possible to represent your Church, please notify Bro. Barry Alexander by June 16th.


The Musical will take place on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 7pm at Unity Baptist Church, 7500 Tireman Ave., Detroit, MI 48204. We are looking forward to having a glorious times in the Lord together. If any additional information is needed, please email info@metropolitanbaptistdistrict.org


Yours in Christ,


Bro. Barry Alexander

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