Churches Progressing and Producing Through our Connection to Christ

 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

- John15:5, King James Version (KJV)

Pastor Lee C. Winfrey Sr., Moderator


Welcome to the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association. Connection plays a critical role in the success and progression of The Lord's church. The goal of this district is to unite churches that share our core values, beliefs, doctrine, and a common faith to participate in a collaborative effort to minister Christ to the culture. To do so, our primary source of the strength and power comes from our connection to Jesus Christ who reminds us that apart from Him, we can do nothing. We invite you to connect with us and become part of our growing community of churches to advance the Kingdom by equipping and strengthening the people of God, with the Word of God, through our connection with God, to the glory of God! 

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District News & Announcements

  • Join us every Monday at 6 AM for the MMBDA Weekly Prayer Call. The number to dial in is (617) 404-1444 and the access code is 77250. Please share this with all MMBDA churches as there will be a brief devotional and members will be asked to pray! We know the importance and impact of prayer and in times like these, we need to talk to and hear from our God!
  • Register and participate in the Congress of Christian Education Winter Session by visiting the Congress of Christian Education Page. Contact President Patricia Suber for more information.
  • Support the work of the Layman's Auxiliary by contacting President Rickey Sears. Find out more by visiting the Laymen's Page.
  • Volunteer with the Women's Auxiliary by contacting President Georgia Tolbert. Discover opportunities to serve by visiting the Women's Auxiliary Page.
  • Pastors' wives and widows may find support by contacting President Jasmine Gray. Look for opportunities to be encouraged on the Minister's Wives and Widows Alliance Page.
  • Help our District extend opportunities to learn and grow through the programs of Carver Camp. Visit their website directly or contact Chairman of the Board, Pastor Burnard Byles.

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Congress of Christian Education
Women's Auxiliary
Minister's Wives & Widow Alliance
Laymen's Auxiliary
Carver Camp
Youth & Young Adults